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How High 2001 Hindi Dual Audio 1080p HDRip MSub Download

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How High 2001 Hindi Dual Audio 1080p | 720p | 480p HDRip MSub Download

IMDB Ratings: 6.2/10
Directed: Jesse Dylan
Release date : December 21, 2001 (United States)
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy
Languages: Hindi ORG + English
Film Stars: Method Man, Redman, Obba Babatundé
Movie Quality: 1080p BluRay
File Size: 1670MB | 959MB | 328MB
Storyline : Two guys by the name of Silas and Jamal decided to one day smoke something magical, which eventually helps them to ace their college entrance exam. This eventually lands them in Harvard, where they’re surrounded by the world of Ivy Leaguers. Although their new lifestyle is much different from back home, they kept on having fun until their supernatural smoke runs out. Now, they are on their own and they have to rely on each other to survive.

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Download 1080p Hindi

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